Breaking down the jargon: what does it all mean?ReglazeLove your frames but need a new prescription? A reglaze is simply the term for providing replacement lenses in your own frames. So if your prescription needs updating or your lenses are damaged, at Direct Sight we can reglaze your glasses from just £10, saving you the money you would ordinarily spend on a brand new pair of specs. Click here for more information on our reglaze service.Single VisionAs the name suggests, single vision l… Continue reading
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Direct Sight Reglazing Service
Many people love their current pair of glasses; whatever they may be it's likely that you chose them in the first place because you liked them, and have since got very used to them. No matter how battered they are they can be as comfortable and familiar as a well worn pair of shoes. Alternatively, they might be expensive designer frames that are just too good to let go. Whatever the reason, it's a real pain if they break, as you have to go through the process of finding the same pair or one simi… Continue reading